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Tigers Help Out in Community

By 7 June, 2010August 23rd, 2012No Comments

June 07, 2010

On Saturday morning June 5th, the Marple Newtown High School Football team visited Bryn Mawr Presbyterian commercial kitchen to work.  They voluntered their time and efforts to participate in making casseroles to fight hunger in the economically underserved neighborhoods of Philadelphia and Chester.  The casserole directly meet the needs of people who cannot provide adequate food for themselves and their families.  The casseroles are distributed to Bethseda Sanctuary, St. Barnabus Mission and St. Mary’s Church.  The food ingredients and food delivery was provided by the Hunger Task Force of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church.
Thanks go to our wonderful players for their time and efforts:  Upcoming seniors Christian Whiteside, Pete Finegan, Brian Kelly, Connor Power, Jeff Brooks, T.J. Fite and Ryan Duffy.  Juniors Kenny Smith, Joey Pham, Sean Ridinger, Jon O’Farrill, and Pat Reusche.  Sophmore Corey Brooks.
The Marple Newtown Football Program would like to thank Cathy Whiteside for making our visit possible and to Bob Ridinger for taking pictures.  Scott Whiteside provided transportation .  Coach Ray Gionta and Ted Carotenutoalso lent a hand.
On Saturday May 15th,  Marple Community Pride Day was held at Broomall Fire Company.  This event  is sponsored by the Marple Business and Professional Association .  The Tiger Football players lent a hand suprervising children at the moon bounce and slide.  Kenny Smith, Sean Ridinger, Ryan Duffy, Christian Whiteside, Brian Kelly, Billy Weaverling andPete Finegan helped out at the event.  Thanks again Guys!!!